Kim Hye-seong (김혜성) - Photo Gallery
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youre so cute
👥 christina jung (🕒)
👥 vanillallen35 (🕒)
happy birthday!
👥 zhieska (🕒)
you're so cute
yOu'rE sO cUtE., ;))
👥 czarina (🕒)
he's simply the object of my affection!LOL!!!
👥 lullabies! (🕒)
annyeong hasshimnikka!! hye-seong! you've grown up so fast! by the way, i wish you all the sucess and victories! just be reminded that we, all your fans are here to support whatever endeavor you wish to pursue! good luck!!
👥 lullabies! (🕒)
Happy Valentine Hye seong...saranghae ^-^
👥 koreanaticz (🕒)
김혜성, 생일축하합니다... !!! ^^
👥 Rizuchan (🕒)
saranghe HyeSeong!!! back off girls cause he's already MIne!!!!!bwaHahaha!
👥 lheia (🕒)
one of the best young actor now a days...many works to make everys womans heart beat fast.......
👥 franceliz (🕒)
i really love jenny and juno. He's soooo cute. Hope to see him face-to-face.
👥 sonia marie (🕒)
aneong haseo! im also a fan of the moive jenny and juno!!!
👥 xtel (🕒)
i love the movie Janny and Juno, you're handsome!=)
👥 jhyniee (🕒)
yeah.. tht ryt.. wat is his ryl profile on fs?? wish u ol the best!!!
👥 mcl (🕒)
hey!!!what is his real profile in friendster??
👥 annajane (🕒)
sa rang hae yo!!!! i like the movie juno and jenny. e-mail me in for more info about kim hye seong. thanx guyz
👥 lea (🕒)
you're so cute!!i hope to see you in person..,take care!
👥 scyeanmische (🕒)
official fans club!
👥 leononik (🕒)
there is a fans club in friendster,
👥 leononik (🕒)
kim hye seong...ur so cute!!!!!!
👥 chii14 (🕒)
do kim hye seong has website>??
👥 sen (🕒)
keep up the good know i really like you..actually i have a big crush on you..ive gangster high and juno,jenny..actually i have a video on that i always watch it at home..take care always god bless you
👥 manami (🕒)
hi... i just wanna say "goodluck to your career"
👥 Charmaine (🕒)
Goodluck for your forthcoming movie which is "Boy, meets a boy", right?. I believe you can make it very interesting and exciting! By the way, can I have your friendster account? I'm looking forward to see you soon! Goodluck!
👥 leononik (🕒)
High Kick ! ha ha ha ^o^
👥 doraedemon (🕒)
oh my..he is so cute.. his b-day is our fiesta heheheheeheh...he is cute in high kick and in the jenny & juno..i've never watch the gangster high yet..but i will warch it
👥 kim chie (🕒)
hello everybody! kim hye seong's friend (if u dont believe i dont care) he just want to give u ol a warm regards! sorry i guess he cant reply ur mssgs coz he's busy! bye
👥 park jin ha (🕒)
happy birthday friend! sengil chukha hamnida!
👥 park jin ha (🕒)
happy birthday!
👥 nikaniks (🕒)
hello!! I hope kim hye-seong will have an anime movie..good day
👥 jennybongco (🕒)
is it true that kim hye-seong is married???/
👥 lishah (🕒)
...wanshang hao, Ni hao ma?
👥 mae acedo (🕒)
sarang hamnida !
👥 XZHAiNNE (🕒)
you're the cutest guy i've ever seen on earth!!!
👥 lena (🕒)
hi...actually its my first time to watch your movie jenny and juno...youre so cute...goodluck in your career...God bless
👥 ahtide24 (🕒)
Hi! Kim Hye-Sung. I think u r so cute. In our country, my friends r very crazy 2 u. Because our boyfriend look likes u.
👥 angela93 (🕒)
he's getting married??? omg... ima cry now....=(
👥 ♠` (🕒)
wow ur sooo cute! =)
👥 ♠` (🕒)
getting married!!?? no...huhu...its that true ? that your getting married?? when i read that message my heart is broken!!huhu...
are you really a half filipino?!? im so happy when i read someone said that you are half filipino.!!! please add. me in friendster ...i will wait you...^__^ hoe we will become friend someday kahit na sa YM..^__^
anyong seo!!!kim hye seong !!! saramida!!!aishiteru!!!wo ai ni!!!i love you!!!mahal kita!!^_^
hELLo!! iS iT tRue tHat yOu'Re gEttiNg mArrieD???^_~
👥 riza_datuon (🕒)
kim hye seong you're so cute!(n_n)
👥 darterotica (🕒)
sarange kim hye seong
👥 berna05 (🕒)
sarange kim hye seong
👥 kibum218 (🕒)
👥 Faith (🕒)
take care alwayz!!!!!!!!!!
👥 Faith (🕒)
ottohke jinaeshimnikka?????????kim hye seong
👥 Faith (🕒)
yeo bo se yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..itz me again
👥 Faith (🕒)
butak hamnina!!!!!!!!
👥 Faith (🕒)
seng il ul chuka!!!on sept 25,,,my fathers bday also...hehehehe
👥 Faith (🕒)
yeo bo se yo!!!!!!!....
👥 Faith (🕒)
mmmmmm.....seng il ul chuka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
👥 Faith (🕒)
aniong he kashipshio......!!!!!!!!
👥 Faith (🕒)
seng il ul chuka!!!!!
👥 Faith (🕒)
yeo bo se yo!!!!kim hye,,,seng il ul chuka hamnida!!!!
👥 Faith (🕒)
ottohke jinaeshimnikka?????take care all wayz!!!
👥 Faith (🕒)
👥 Faith (🕒)
daedanhi kamsahamnida 4 adding me in ur frndzter!!!!!sarang haminida...joke...
👥 Faith (🕒)
jalsaengkyossda u!!!!!!!!
👥 Faith (🕒)
daedanhi kamsahamnida 4 adding me, ottohke jinaeshimnikka???????...naeirumun-imnida FAITH..HEHEHE..
👥 Faith (🕒)
waaa!!!!!!!! another cute guy on television!!!
👥 dian (🕒)
wa? I like to study the Korean Languages! weeee!
👥 Niyami76 (🕒)
hes a little lee young-hoon.
👥 shrota (🕒)
....will u please teach me a little bit korean language....plz...=p.........
👥 jiLLian (🕒)
.,i really lyk u!!!!!
👥 jiLLian (🕒)
.,heLLo kim!!!!ur so cute...i wish i could see u personally!!!!add me in YM...jillian_enduma
👥 jiLLian (🕒)
an nyong hye seong obba!!kk tang shi nul choa ham nida... ^-^k
👥 venalee (🕒)
Ottoshimnikka kim? chonun chelle imnida. .^_^ yeongeorul malsum halsu isseoyo? check my friendster or simply go to my URL: kamsahamnida~_^
👥 mlsswei (🕒)
hello~!does any one kno where this actor is now?
👥 desikuri06 (🕒) me if ya want... i realli like u...
👥 elizabeth (🕒)
i love youkim check my profile on
👥 jean2000 (🕒)
Hi kim im ashleenicole from philippines your so cute and have an inocent face if you want add me in your friendster this is my email add me plzzz... ive been there in korea last year with my cousins and i love your sitc
annyeong haseyo!!???.. i want to intodruce myself in korean.. to understand you!!!.. ehehe!! i reum i charmane imnida.. oh thats all... den english.. im 15 years old, from that beautiful country of the philiphines,... hey i want to go in korea haha
👥 charmane (🕒)
annyeong haseyo!!!!!///,, sarang heyo.. eeeehh!!!! i love you!! muahahahahaha!!!
👥 charmane (🕒)
hey... its that true that ur a half filipino???... are u kidding... ahjahaha i love you saranghe... kamsahamida!!!
👥 charmane (🕒)
hi kim hye seong... i love you... im your fan!!! c'mon look my picture in my friendster.. u surprice if u look my picuture with you..
👥 charmane (🕒)
cupid called!!haha..he's so cute!
👥 katrinakurt (🕒)
sooo cute!!!!!:">
👥 gen13ve (🕒)'t true that ur a half filipino???
👥 nika (🕒)
hi... im from philippines... i really love your movies... speacially the "jenny and juno".. i also love your character... im ciela..
👥 halrid (🕒)
waaahhh!!,,,.. saranghe kim hye seong.... i love you so much...mahal na mahal kita...waaahh!!!,. :D..
👥 halrid (🕒)
what a face so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*two thumbs up!*
👥 riaii (🕒)
ur sooo cute!
👥 heartie23 (🕒)
hi i real love u
hi i love u very much so add me
add me
hi take care hye-seong!!!
👥 ningyoo_sungi (🕒)
add me..
👥 sheila (🕒)
waaaH! ur so cute.. hope to see you hir in the philippines! take care!
👥 sheila (🕒)
ANY0NG!! hye-seong si Chal Chinaessoyo?
👥 ningyoo_sungi (🕒)
👥 wye-kyo (🕒)
i LOV kiM sEOng !!!!!!!!!!!!
👥 Nathania (🕒)
hi oi_PussyCaTz, i know his friendster account...
👥 Mark Anthony (🕒)
ang na-bubuang ma-dead........hahahahah......char lang chaka oie . .. ouyevoli . .
👥 kev's (🕒)
i luv you mwah!! i can't sleep dreaming of you!
i luv you mwah!!!!!!!
cuTe boY!!doNt do the jenny,juNo thinGs iN reaL life,okay!!..^_^,anyway..whats ur friendster address??
👥 oi_PussyCaTz (🕒)
hello hye-seong!
👥 kaykay_09 (🕒)
anneoNghaseo!!! i rEaLly liKe yOur mOvie.,,yOu rilly look cute and innocent-looking guy.,,,wish i can see you here in philippines personaly.,,!!!! here's my number if u wanna be frendz with me.,09162498473.,, well keep up the good work!!stay cuTe lik
👥 ayHeska_kesha (🕒)
i luv u kim!!!!!
👥 Kisses (🕒)
hi kim, your cute. why is it that your not texting mw anymore? here is my num, 09215948001... i'll wait... friend???
👥 Mark Anthony (🕒)
hi kim... your so cute. why were you
👥 Mark Anthony (🕒)
hi iluv you kim wish i can see you in person i luv u!!!!
👥 cute1st (🕒)
anu name nia sa friendster?!!haduri?!my nkta din kc aq friendster mukha nia ung nklgay...puro pictu
👥 -sOngyin- (🕒)
ang cute cutre mo tlaga
kita ko friendster nya.. xa ba tlga un? dame n kc gumagamet ng pix nya.. bka nmn nilo2ko lng tau nyan... ahaha
👥 niamlee (🕒)
hmm.. kita friendster nya.. nka2bakla.. eheheh
👥 niamlee (🕒)
la lang
do you have more pictures plss send it to me gottcha>>:p
Good looking guy... existed only in my dream... hay!
👥 rouh02 (🕒)
i luv u kim!!!!!!!!!!! mwah mwah
👥 Kisses (🕒)
mwahh....mwahh..I LOVE U VERY MUCH....!!!
👥 kim_gf02 (🕒)
he is so cute i hope i can see him in real life
👥 abby (🕒)
so cute in 제니, 주노
👥 yumi_korea (🕒)
hello.. ur soo cute...
👥 aireen (🕒)
belated happy happy birthday mwahh!!!
HI!!!!!!!!I MISS YOU!!!!!!!keep up the GOOD WORK!!!!!!!
👥 kisha ann (🕒)
hi baby you're so cute and cuddly!!!!!!!!!!
i love you
hi do you have some new picture plss post it here at han cinema . net thnx
advance happy happy birthday
hye-seong i like you i didn't know we have the same birthdate
advance happy bday hye-seong
👥 yongnick (🕒)
sarangheyo hye-seong!!!
👥 blackberry (🕒)
hi your so cute!!!!!!!!!!i really really like you????
👥 korhea143 (🕒)
he is sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!! i really like him!! mwah mwah! ^_^
the movie is so nice
👥 danielle (🕒)
he is so hott!! and cute!!
👥 just_me (🕒)
he is cute ^_^ Goshhhh
👥 SinFan (🕒)
anneonghaseyo!!! sarangheyo hye-seong!!!!
where can i watch his movie trailers then? i wanna know how handsome he is that people is talking about.
👥 luna lovegood (🕒)
do you really recieve our messages? i hope so..
👥 rain (🕒)
aneonghasaeyo oppa... i love you!!
👥 rain (🕒)
please be my boo... coz i can't live without you... i would do anything for you... keep my words!
👥 tumbelina (🕒)
Kim hye soeng!!Sarange...Chuaeee...Oca pe dech..(^,^x)V
👥 Shenny (🕒)
hi ai Luph uuuu...saRanGhaEyo....bOy!!!!
👥 melycha_hana13 (🕒)
do you have msn???plz email me here'll wait ayt...tnx...
👥 maica (🕒)
he is my idola.
👥 dea (🕒)
he's my new obsession ;D LOL jokingg... he seems to be a pretty normal guy. talented at acting, and quite cute. xD
👥 x__joanne (🕒)