Zo In-sung (조인성) - Photo Gallery
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In seong ssi...Have a Happy Chuseok Holiday!!!
👥 koreanaticz (🕒)
Happy birthday insung oppa the handsomest man in my universe. i love you. come back soon !
👥 ginger ale (🕒)
👥 zhieska (🕒)
Saranghamnida...Urin seoro cheonnune banhaesseoyo.
👥 rovot23 (🕒)
missing you oppa!
👥 JoyInSeong (🕒)
i know it too late to tell u, how ever i loving to say "HaPpY BiRtHdAy"
👥 nicky (🕒)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! Have always faith in your heart !!!
👥 Sin-Bi (🕒)
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
👥 lea (🕒)
Happy Valentine In seong ssi...saranghae ^-^
👥 koreanaticz (🕒)
Jo In seong ssi, Merry Christmas and have a Prosperous New Year!!!
👥 koreanaticz (🕒)
have a good CHUSEOK. Happy Holiday!!! Good luck in your entering into military service, Take good care of yourself.
👥 koreanaticz (🕒)
:-) FIGHTING ! Keep up faith, patience and tenderness on you !
👥 Sin-Bi (🕒)
take carew of yourself and always healthy and safe when you are on your duty in your mandatory military service. we're waiting for you after two years. good luck and God Bless!!!
👥 koreanaticz (🕒)
happy bday Yaboo hehehe
👥 valley girl (🕒)
happy birthday
👥 muugii (🕒)
sengae khut ka yae oppa or ajusshi
👥 esther (🕒)
SUCH a cute guy! saengil chukhae oppa! :]
👥 linhypwnsyou (🕒)
My friend likes you a lot!! she actualy printed your picture and paste it on her note book.. haha.. anyways your really hondsome and a great a ctor thats why she liked you.. =)
👥 Margery Wyn (🕒)
i just saw you in Something Happened in Bali - your character is so cute & sometimes funny! You're a great actor! hope to see more of you!
👥 Jinjoo (🕒)
Jo in Sung...you're adorable
👥 Ketsia (🕒)
i just see"What happen in Bali" first movie Korea. i like you acting. i want to know more about your, nice too meet you..... i stay in Thailand... (nankagolf@hotmail.com)
👥 golf (🕒)
In Sung oppa Take Care, Ok, ok? ;)
👥 Sirin-dream (🕒)
In-seong Jo is so H-O-T! I can't wait to see him new movie with Ha Yu directing. Jay in San Francisco, CA
👥 sfjburk1591 (🕒)
jo in seong ooppa!!!!!!!!fighting!
👥 dektblush (🕒)
hahaha...OOppaA eat health be sexy
👥 cherrygao (🕒)
Im mongolian 18 years old Mongolian girl.Have u heard about Mongolia?.Anyway, I have a questen for u.i dont get it.You are talented, attractive and young movie star.Why is he still single? Arent you gay sexuel MR Hottie?Or are waiting for someone special?
WennX 0_o hoPe that you are still single then wait me.. hek hel Jokes onLy im Still 15 years of Young,,then to all of mY fans there,, Thanks. {geMma} add me up at friendster 8s beverly_bohol@yahoo.com
👥 JanxY15 (🕒)
hi!,, Jo in Sung hope that you will visit here in the pHilippines,,please i really Like You aS In,..tHen ur really a g00d acTor sweaR.,
👥 JanxY15 (🕒)
Your acting in What happen in Bali was fabulous...you are great..an excelent actor congratulationnn!!!!!
👥 shellynett (🕒)
Oppa i can't wait for your epic film. You'll make a gorgeous warrior lover in a story of love between men. Kyaaa you're the best actor, cf star and most photogenic in an internet survey. We love you oppa.
👥 ginger ale (🕒)
You're a great actor. I love your acting in "Something..in Bali". Keep up the good work and hoping your next drama series will come soon..
👥 Sasanti (🕒)
I can't stop dreaming of you cause I really really like you. I wish your mine....
👥 jiou wong yea (🕒)
I wish you have many up coming drama so I can watch one of your new drama or movie. Your so cute........ I love you
👥 jiou wong yea (🕒)
i love him as he plays paolo in somthing happend in bali1
Love to hear 4m u.here s my E-mail id Ane_nini@yahoo.com
👥 Annie (🕒)
Happy Belated Birthday!Oopa........Jo In_Seong.May God Bless you more n more,fulfilling all ur dreamz n aspiration with long life.
👥 Annie (🕒)
belated happy birthday!!!
👥 chanda (🕒)
happy bday oppa...
👥 aretta (🕒)
oppa, senyingchukahamnida.. sarangheo!! baixa!!
Happy Birthday Jo In seong from all your fangirls at sweetinsung.net We love you oppa!!!!
👥 ginger ale (🕒)
Happy Birthday Jo In Seong. You are still the handsomest man in my universe. You are truly adorable and talented. Stay healthy and happy.
👥 ginger ale (🕒)
Happy Birthday!!
👥 anna zainal (🕒)
Happy Birthday !
👥 gmover_giant (🕒)
insung, happy birthday!!!!
👥 kynji_wah (🕒)
hi insung, advance happy birthday. keep up the good word,you know i want to see you.
👥 kynji_wah (🕒)
May luck alwayz shine on u
👥 Annie (🕒)
am a great fan of you.love 2 meet u n have a nice chat with u.i really admire u Jo In_Seong
👥 Annie (🕒)
👥 Annie (🕒)
I hope you could still continue your studies. Good luck to your career!
👥 ningning (🕒)
jo in seung, ur great in the memories of bali. study hard.
👥 yhm26 (🕒)
jo in sung your the man!
👥 kynji_wah (🕒)
yr acting is so impressive , awaiting fr new one pls dont take so long ,c u soon....jo
👥 jintana s (🕒)
need to see you onscreen again..really enjoyed your new move..great job!
👥 SarangCAndee (🕒)
i miss you.. i hope you wil have a new movie and drama.. i m looking forward for it coz ur my idol and you're so handsome.. sigh... mwah...
👥 joanrukawa_11 (🕒)
miss him in series
👥 aretta (🕒)
I like JO in SeonG's action.VEry;
👥 tunster (🕒)
jo in seong, i love you. please hold me.
👥 rolly (🕒)
i love his cf with goo hye sun...
👥 aretta (🕒)
why u're so..!!damN,veRy taLenteD actor wiTh a cuTe faCe!!im CRAZY abouT U!!jo in seonG..wouLd u be my maN!!??
👥 oi_PussyCaTz (🕒)
how come u be so:goRgeos&talenTeD!!!
👥 oi_PussyCaTz (🕒)
jo in sung, i admire his acting. watching him on the screen is really fascinating, when he cry, i also cry, when he laugh, i also laugh. so captivating!
👥 molly (🕒)
I love Zo in sung.he is so good..
👥 thararat75 (🕒)
who are you hyun ah?
👥 thararat75 (🕒)
He is a good actor..I Love U.
sna kw na ung mr. ryt koh!!!
👥 chorie (🕒)
eeellooow!!!!!! poh]
👥 chorie (🕒)
hallowww!!!!...you look like my freind ryan rivera..........gwapo!!!!!!!!!
👥 naome_ross (🕒)
i mIss U oPPa... Mwah...
👥 joanrukawa_11 (🕒)
hope nah kaw nah talaga right guy ko.huhuhuhuh
👥 niceth (🕒)
ang cute mo talaga........ka face mo yong kuya ko.promise......
👥 niceth (🕒)
i have a crush on you
👥 magskie (🕒)
i love you so much....im your avid fans
👥 magskie (🕒)
hi i love you
👥 magskie (🕒)
love u oppa,,, i love everythings that u do!!
👥 aretta (🕒)
hi! you know i love to watch your movie.when it ended i felt sad but thanx god He answered my prayer.memories of bali came back.jo in sung really completes my day..you're so cute and handsome..
👥 divinegrace (🕒)
huuhuhuhuhu....everytime i saw u in mib....oh...my heart crazily happy....but u know what....at every episode i will take my blanket as i cant stop cryin....especially at the last episode...huhuhuhuhu..but i thing that i sure...ur gorgeously superb.....lo
👥 eSha (🕒)
no jinja kiopta....... :)
👥 Ria (🕒)
hey! wishing you come here in Thailand.
👥 Ryan_va (🕒)
hey jo in sung i really admired you....
👥 setTiE (🕒)
hello.... ur so handsome..jejeje
👥 setTiE (🕒)
i'm your huge fans!!!!!!!! love youuuuuuuu! you're soooo handsome!!!
👥 ifairy (🕒)
love u much!!!!!!
👥 TiTa (🕒)
i want him to be with SONG HYE KYO in the next korean drama...
👥 zati272 (🕒)
i love u so much in-sung..(muah) i cant 't sleep if i'm thinking bout u!!!!!
👥 ZeEbEe (🕒)
I am a big fan of him
👥 Ambrosie (🕒)
Is truly the best actor I've ever seen so far. He is very taented and versatile. What more can you ask for on this man. I love him very much. Good luck and more power In-Sung, you're friends here will keep on supporting you.
👥 kurisuchin (🕒)
How can I descibe?? He stole my attention, my heart and... my soul (hehe..). It was started with WHIB and now can't resist him anymore!! 1st just thought he is only another handsome guy but changed my mind, he is an excellent actor. Jinjja!!
👥 Persona (🕒)
the handsomest man in the universe and so talented too. He must have been first in line when God gave out the blessings. Love you Jo In Seong!
👥 ginger ale (🕒)
One of the beautiful men on earth. I saw him the first time in Madeleine. My biggest regret not able to see him when he was in Bali, filming Something Happenned in Bali... Darn!
👥 bridget72 (🕒)